Friday, February 25, 2011

Sorry...again...sorry, sorry, sorry...

Hey all! As most of you know...I haven't posted anything here for a really, really, really, really long time. I'm really sorry, but as you new years didn't even last the whole month of January. Dude...well...I guess I shouldn't have made blogging daily my resolution b/c after a while...I was just posting post something. I don't know how some people do it!? If you have the answer to the secret...please let me know! How do you get something meaningful blogged every single day...OR even once a week at that!!!???

Anyway, the main reason I'm posting a message here tonight...this morning is for a few prayer requests. I know I'm always asking from the few that read my blog, but I'm hoping that my prayer requests will be spread about through the few that read my little bloggy thing here.

#1) Please pray for a nurse friend of mine from my old stomping grounds. I found out tonight that she has brain cancer. I'm not sure of the details, but I heard it was a stage 4 brain cancer. I'm sure you all might not know exactly what that means, but it is NEVER a good thing. For a a patient to hear stage is time to do some hard core praying b/c sometimes...most of the time that is what you are going to need.

When you are diagnosed with cancer...that is only the beginning...once the doctors diagnosis it they stage it...and that essentially tells you how bad it is. I'm not going to bore you with nurse talk...but google it and you will get a better idea. Stage 4 is the last stage. So heart aches for this woman and her family! She is young and has young children. There is more and more and more of this happening, but it makes me shed tears every time I hear about it!

#2) I follow a huge slew of blogs from women/men I don't really know, but their life expierences tie them to me. I found out this week that a young couple lost their little four month old last week. She stopped breathing at her babysitter's house. This little baby angel was a perfectly healthy little one. The details are VERY unknown at this time, but please pray for this couple and their strength as a family. There is nothing more difficult than loosing a child...especially your first child! I don't have experience with it, and I pray to God I NEVER WILL.

Anyway, I need to get to bed. My head, eyes, and heart feel to heavy to stay awake much longer. God bless you all!!!

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